School is stress, stress, and stress. Thats all I talk about in that bolg, it cand of sucks. And lasting about stress just makes you more streaaed out, but thats life, I'm going to let you about it. This passed week has deen midtearms = crazy times. Ok let see if I can get it all down on papper, because it's a crazy story. We (My class) had like over 5 assiment to hand in for this week.
Like I sayed before I go to my counes house on the weekends to chill out. Last week ends was thanks giving, like 2 weekends ago I don't think I toll you so i'm going to. My uncle chirs and my brother studying in waterloo, and his room mate came to toronto. The Hole weekend of thanks giveing, I did lots and lots of work.
2 weeks agoin I was really streesing out. On Oct 5 my high school, was having an awerd asidel. I got an awerd, so I wanted to go to my high school to get the awerd and see all my friends. But since I lived in London, Ont. I had to get a ride, and my dad did not want to drive to tornotrow back to London, and back to toronto so that I could do my quiz the next day, and back to London all in 24 hours. And my cousens did not want me to go to London because I had a quiz the nest day. But in the end I went, my dad picked me up in Toronto and I went to the aword asuimble, I got to see some of my friends and I also got to see my girl friend which is always nice. Then I toke the bus back to Toronto to do my quiz, it was good I got a 7 out of 10. But my anty this called my mom to tell her that she make a bad movie by telling me go to London, even though I disened to go, which just put more strees on me.
I had 2 assiments. The first one was for my Multi Media Desige class - I had to print off five pictures of art work, and exspalen the element that I see in the picture. I know that sounds easy but it's very long and takes up lots of time. I hand Multi Media Desige class on Wednesday and Friday. I had it done over the week end, so I hand it in on Wednesday, My teacher told me that I was the only student to hand it in on Wednesday and not Friday out of 70 students. So that was very kool. I also had to work on my psychology Term Assigment which was also due this week. I did not got it all done, because but I fand out that some of the assiment did not have the text pages right. So I e mailed my teacher and she saw that I was right, so she gave the class at exsta week to work on it. We also went bouling with is lots and lots of fun, and we went to church which is always kool and gets your mind off on work. So ya that was last weed end!!!
This week end was still crazy. Like todays thursday the 19th, but this weekend would be like the 13th to the 15th. Ok, kool. My cousen, had a brithday prity. She had a good time, but I was working all of the weekend agian so i did not get a chaes to talk to her friends, like I did at my other cousen B-daypraty. I worked on My psyology term assiment with the right page numbers, and I was able to get it done. I also work on my assiment for Intractivity, about good and bad wed sets acording to Tog from the Nielsen Norman Group. Tog got his new web set called, he seems to be prity kool. anyways, I got that assiment done to. On (last) friday13th, saw very kool, I got to go out with some friend / classment to a restent because it was josses B-Day prity, about 1/2 of your class was there. Which is like about 10 people, ok it's a little less then 1/2. But all the same it was kool. My uncle also asked me about my computer that i'm suppost to get from a brasary, but I have not gottin it. It's not my falt, but he was still mad. So ya that was my weekend, oooo ya we went to church too, of corse.
On monday I went to my sketching for communication class, and asked a lot of ?????'s about your rollerblade panfite (tags) assment that we are also doing in jo's class, that noone understands, that suppost to be handed in on friday. Then after class I went on to Adobe Illustor to work on the rollerblade assiment. But I could not find any where to put it, You can't get info for another computer if you save it on a different camputer. So I tryed to put it on my seneca log on, where you can save info. But it can only hold info thats is less then 1 MB, so it detiled it on me. then I went to my resadens to meat my uncle, to read some psychology for my mid-term on friday. Then I whet to bed.
On Tuesday, I had on class, so I book a tutors appointment to read more psycholoy. Then I went to talk to the lady who trying to get my computer from my brasary. Then I worked on my slid show assignment, for video class, on a mac computer. Right naw I think macs suck, because i don't understant them, just started to use them in college. But ya thats life. In tryed to put it in the server, but i think the computer diteted vidoe on server, like almost every night. So I just could save it on the computer. Then I went out to the DMA (which in my class mager, Digital Media Arts) drink night. I don't drink, but I just went to chill with classments and lissen to your teachers and teacher's friend talk about stuff. Your teachers invite people working in the indastry to come out to the drink night to talk to student about went it's like to have a job out in the real word. It was very kool, and interusting, but it got me to worry about getting a job after college. But i can't worry about that right naw, need to do school work, Then I went to bed.
On Wednesday I had rto go to my computer lab that I booked out easterday, so put my projest On the server first thing, so that I could hand in my vidoe assment. I also when to see if I could get a reader for my Med-term test on friday, because I have a reading disablity. I'm going to have to do my test on thursday, if I want to have a reader for my medterm test. So ya thats kool. Then I went to my video class to hand in my video assiment, I asked some classments with help, but I was able to hand it in on time. Then I went to my music studeyo class, he just gave us a lessen and told us that he'll hand stuff out after the braek. Then I went to my Multi Media Design class, we had a lissen on typograph. At the end of class your teacher told us that she is going to give us an estention on her (creat a module) assiment, because she noties that all her student are not working on it because everyones working on more inportent med term assiments. she did not give us a med term assinmeng, but just an assienment, so she gave us an extention because she knows that none is going to hand it in, and she want us to do a good job on it, not just a russ job. She also gave us another new assment that we need to work on about typography. Then I went to resandes to go study/read for Psyology test tomorow. I went to bed about 12:00.
Today was just crazy, I had to do my test at 9:00. It was good, the test was not easy, but it was not hard, if you know what I main. It toke me just over an hour to do it, 50??????'s. 10 ?????'s per chapter, but the ?????'s where mixed up. Then I chilled out at resandens untill my classes at 11:40. My frist class was with jo, he told us that the rollerblade assiment is not do on friday, because he find out yeasterday that none understands the project, and he needs to teach us more proprly. He sayed that it's his first year teaching 1st year students, so he thinks he did not do a good job exsplaning how the assiment was suppust to be. I know that the out line, did not really help me understand the project at all, I had to get info from classments and lessen to teacher talks, it was vary vag. Then I whet to my interactivity class, and hand in my Tog good and bad web sets assignment. Then we talked about one of Togs working partners Don, and his vowe of what makes anything a good or bad object to use, not just a web set. So naw after class in deseind to wast my time doing this because I have nothing else to do, and a full week to do my homework and relazes. Tomorow I have Multi Media Design 1st thing, but she told us that the module assignment we have to do is not due until the end of the brack. Then I have Psychologhy I got my assignment done over the weekend, and I did my quiz and med-term test alright, in the test center. So ya thats all kool. Thats week has been really,really streesful but in the end it did not end to bad.
So ya, I think my suppost to put my school work up on this bog, so that the hole world can see it and not just complane about work. To tell you the truth, I don't really know how to put images and school work on this think, so i'm going to have to spend time needs week of classes to ask my teacher how to do this right!!!!!!! And the other think is that right naw most of my teachers have a lot of my work, because it's med-term and I needed to hand it in, but i'll try to get sopme of my old work up on here. So ya hope to talk to ya all latter.
God Bless